Energia Italia, technologies for photovoltaic, e-mobility, storage and solar thermal
06-10-2023Kyoto Club at ZeroEmission Mediterranean 2023
09-10-2023At ZeroEmission Mediterranean 2023, e-mobility will mean not only electric cars and electric boats (at Water Mobility Show), but also electric aviation, in the new co-located event AIR MOBILITY SHOW.
AIR MOBILITY SHOW is the first international event in Italy and Southern Europe exclusively dedicated to AAM – Advanced Air Mobility and Electric Aviation, that will take place along with ZeroEmission Mediterranean 2023, at Rome Exhibition Centre, 10 – 12 October 2023.
AIR MOBILITY SHOW will welcome visitors with a top-level exhibition area and with dedicated conference sessions, too.
The exhibition area will host companies and institutions from the entire AAM – Advanced Air Mobility and Electric Aviation supply chain:
- Manta Aircraft: the Italian high-tech engineering and design company will bring to the event a 3-meter model of its innovative hybrid-electric eVTOL and eVSTOL long-range aircraft platform and also a simulator where you will have the chance to take the pilot seat yourself!
- Jetson: pioneering EVTOL company based in California, it will put on display its personal electric aerial vehicle Jetson ONE
- Pipistrel Aircraft: aviation & aerospace company based in Slovenia with more than 30 years of tradition in ultralight and general aviation industry, it will exhibit its Velis Electro, the first ever type certified electric powered aircraft, fully approved for pilot training in Day VFR operations in more than 30 countries worldwide
- UrbanV: Italian company that designs and manages vertiports, owned by Aeroporti di Roma, SAVE S.p.A, Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur and Aeroporto Marconi di Bologna, it will bring a focus on the topic of the infrastructures related to the AAM – Advance Air Mobility
- Università Politecnica delle Marche, technological university located in the Marche Region and AeCi – Aeroclub d’Italia (Italian Aero Club), public law body founded to coordinate aviation activities and member of The Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI)
The conference programme will focus on challenges and breakthroughs shaping the industry’s future in two dedicates sessions:
- “The future of flying taxis” – click here for details
- “Technologies and projects for the carbon-neutralization of aviation” – click here for details
Visit www.zeroemission.show/air-mobility-2023 to know more about the event!